Playing Yoga

by: Sabe Mazzi

Teaching yoga to children provides them with a variety of tools which they can take from the yoga class to use throughout their lives. Incorporating different aspects of the world around them, such as nature and animals allows them to connect to these elements. Especially now that they are thriving in a technologically driven existence. “Playing Yoga” consists of providing kids with the tools they need to develop  self awareness, flexibility, coordination, and strength through basic and challenging yoga poses, partner poses, group poses, yoga games, mindfulness activities, music and stories.

Furthermore, the breathing and visualization techniques teach kids  to focus, relax and most importantly, it teaches them self-control.

As children learn to manifest their inner-strength, confidence and self-esteem, a feeling of well-being and respect for others along with a love for one’s self, inside and out, begins to develop naturally. Their concentration and sense of calmness and relaxation also improves. Learning to tame their impulses and encouraging kindness in their daily activities allows them the space to mature emotionally and participate in all kinds of group settings.

Yoga is a wonderful resource for children with untold benefits that can dramatically impact their lives and their future in so many ways.

8 Benefits of Yoga For Kids

  • Yoga is non-competitive. …

  • Yoga teaches self-acceptance. …

  • Namaste: The light in me sees the light in you. …

  • Yoga encourages healthy habits. …

  • Focus. …

  • Yoga teaches calming techniques. …

  • Children learn self-awareness through yoga. …

  • Yoga supports positive mental health in children.


Sabe Mazzi has practice Yoga since 2013. She was certified at Karma Kids NY as a kid Yoga Instructor and has been teaching yoga to children of all ages for the past 2 years. She teaches the kids yoga program at Miami Life Center


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